Underbite & Overbite Correction in Sherwood & Canby

Restore Your Bite to Its Natural State

Correct Bite: Why is it important?

A correctly aligned bite is foundational to optimal oral health. When your bite is off, it can cause issues ranging from sensitivity and mild discomfort, to long-lasting and irreversible oral health problems.

Teeth should fit together properly so the teeth, jaws, and jaw joint work in harmony. This harmony helps teeth and dental restorations last for many years and possibly a lifetime. When your teeth are aligned and functioning correctly, you are able to chew comfortably and the teeth do not not wear out prematurely. Our teeth are designed to last a lifetime and can, however, there are several factors that can cause your bite to change unfavorably or become “off.” If your bite is “off,” we call this dental malocclusion and you may notice tooth sensitivity, fractured teeth, or tooth wear. These are some of the signs indicating your bite might be a problem.

At Cary Dental, we use a variety of different treatment options to restore your bite to its natural function.

Dental Implants and a Correct Bite

A correct bite is essential for dental implants. Dental implants are very successful when the health of the mouth and bite is optimal. However, if the bite is off, dental implants can fail prematurely and will need to be removed.

Malocclusion can lead to many dental problems that cause teeth to be lost prematurely. In addition, malocclusion can contribute to facial pain or TMD symptoms (jaw joint problems).

Dangers of a Misaligned Bite:

  • Worn teeth
  • Fractured teeth or restorations
  • Clenching of your teeth or jaws
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder, or a clicking/popping sensation or sound while opening your mouth
  • Pain in your face, neck, or head
  • Tooth loss

Signs of Malocclusion

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth wear
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Failing or fractured restorations
  • Crowded teeth
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Gum recession
  • Notching at the gum line
  • Loose teeth

Those suffering from any of these symptoms are a candidate for a bite evaluation. Not only will this improve the foundation of your mouth, but increase your quality of life.

    signs of malocclusion bite correction cary dental
    pain free smile with bite correction cary dental canby sherwood dentist oregon

    At Cary Dental, you can feel good about working with a team who genuinely cares about helping you achieve a pain-free and natural smile.

    Dr. Cary will meet with you and listen to your concerns about what you are experiencing — bite or otherwise. We will then perform a comprehensive exam and take digital x-rays to diagnose the issue you are experiencing.

    From there, we will work with you to decide the right bite correction option given your unique set of circumstances. We always want you to have a positive experience when it comes to fixing your bite and getting your oral health back on track.

    Bite Correction Options

    We offer a variety of options for fixing or correcting your bite, including: 

    • Orthodontics: When teeth are out of alignment, moving teeth can be part of the solution by correcting misalignment. Depending on the severity, invisible braces or conventional braces may be required. 
    • Reshaping teeth by adding missing or worn tooth structure: When the tooth is close to being in the correct position, minor reshaping can help teeth fit together better. This usually includes adding to a worn or missing tooth structure or polishing areas in the way.  
    • Crowns: Crowns are used to correct severely worn or broken teeth.
    • Full mouth rehabilitation for severe problems. When tooth wear has progressed for many years and all the teeth are worn, rebuilding the alignment of all the teeth is required. This is especially important when you have dental implants. 
    • Occlusal guards: An occlusal guard or also known as a night guard may also be an option for someone who grinds their teeth or to possibly help with TMJ disorder. It also may be used in conjunction with one of the options listed above to protect the new restorations. 
    about bite correction with dr mike cary sherwood and canby oregon

    About Cary Dental

    At Cary Dental, a non-invasive and foundational approach is crucial to our dental practice. We believe you deserve a smile that is pain-free and beautiful, and will do everything we can to make sure you achieve just that.

    When you step into our modern Sherwood and Canby dentist offices, you will be greeted by our friendly team and then will meet with our experienced dentists. Together, they will work with you to correct your bite and help you through any other oral health issues you might be experiencing. It is our goal to make sure you are comfortable throughout your bite correction experience.

    The Cary Dental family welcomes you to our practice.

    Insurance and Financing

    We Accept Insurance from Most Insurance Providers

    We are contracted with the following Insurance providers:

    No Insurance? No Problem

    With our in-house dental health savings plan, you will get the preventive dental care you need while also receiving discounts on most additional treatments. Save money on restorative and cosmetic services while maintaining optimum oral health with included preventive treatments.

    Make an investment in a healthy and happy life. Ask for more info at your next appointment.

    Smile Gallery

    Smile Makeover

    This patient had worn and crooked teeth. Crowns were needed to prevent fractures. Unfortunately, a  misaligned bite would cause the crowns to wear, too. A full mouth rehabilitation, including braces and crowns, was the answer.

    Dental Implants & Smile Makeover

    This patient’s front teeth were discolored and worn. One tooth was cracked and had to be removed. We used a dental implant and four new crowns to restore her smile.

    Orthodontics (Teenager)

    This patient came to our office with crowded teeth, a narrow arch, and poor bite. We used Crozat orthodontics and braces to help her jaw grow, creating room for adult teeth and fixing her poor bite.

    Dental Implants

    This patient was missing her two front teeth. A failing bridge was damaging the supporting teeth. Using two dental implants and four crowns, we restored her smile.


    This patient had extremely crowded teeth, impacted canine, and an overbite. We used Crozat orthodontics and braces to correct her bite and bring the impacted tooth into the correct position.

    Dental Implants

    This patient had several failing crowns and missing teeth.  Using a combination of dental implants and crowns, we restored his smile and gave him a more youthful appearance.

    Braces & Implant

    This patient wanted to improve her smile. Her poor bite was causing her teeth to become loose and worn. She also suffered from gum recession. We used invisible braces, a dental implant, and veneers to enhance her smile.

    Crowns & Orthodontic

    This patient had old crowns, tooth decay, and a poor bite. We corrected her bite with the help of custom orthodontics, which helped her new crowns look better and last longer, too.

    Orthodontics (Teenager)

    This patient came to our office with crowded teeth, a narrow arch, and poor bite. We used Crozat orthodontics and braces to help her jaw grow, creating room for adult teeth and fixing her poor bite.

    Dental Implants

    This patient was missing her two front teeth. A failing bridge was damaging the supporting teeth. Using two dental implants and four crowns, we restored her smile.

    Dental Implants & Smile Makeover

    This patient’s front teeth were discolored and worn. One tooth was cracked and had to be removed. We used a dental implant and four new crowns to restore her smile.


    This patient had extremely crowded teeth, impacted canine, and an overbite. We used Crozat orthodontics and braces to correct her bite and bring the impacted tooth into the correct position.

    Dental Implants

    This patient had several failing crowns and missing teeth.  Using a combination of dental implants and crowns, we restored his smile and gave him a more youthful appearance.

    Braces and Implant

    This patient wanted to improve her smile. Her poor bite was causing her teeth to become loose and worn. She also suffered from gum recession. We used invisible braces, a dental implant, and veneers to enhance her smile.

    Crowns and Orthodontics

    This patient had old crowns, tooth decay, and a poor bite. We corrected her bite with the help of custom orthodontics, which helped her new crowns look better and last longer, too.

    Smile Makeover

    This patient had worn and crooked teeth. Crowns were needed to prevent fractures. Unfortunately, a  misaligned bite would cause the crowns to wear, too. A full mouth rehabilitation, including braces and crowns, was the answer.

    Dr. Cary is thoughtful, caring, friendly, and spends time explaining what needs to be done and why. His staff is fantastic.

    Donna K.

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